First of
all you should start with yourself, are you feeling fit to fly?
You can use
the acronym IMSAFE
I =
Illness, do you have any illness, feeling sick, is a no-go.
M =
Medication, are you under any medication? You need to make sure with an FAA
medical examiner that the medication doesn’t affect your ability to fly.
S = Stress,
if you are under heavy stress, personal, emotional, or financial.
ability to act as a safe pilot are impaired, and you should not fly until you
are feeling more relaxed.
A =
Alcohol, have you been drinking within eight hours? 24 hours? Alcohol and
flying is a no-go.
F =
Fatigue, are you feeling tired? Then you should not fly.
E = Eating,
are you feeling hungry? Then you need to make time to eat before the flight.
Then there
are other factors that play a big role in a decision to go, or to cancel the