The atmosphere of the earth.

We classify the atmosphere into layers, or spheres, by characteristics exhibited in the layers.

The troposphere is the layer from the surface to an average altitude of about 37 000 feet.
It is characterized by an overall decrease of temperature with increasing altitude.

The height of the troposphere varies with latitude and season.
Over the poles it is about 20 000 feet and over the Equator the troposphere goes up to 65 000 feet.
The troposphere is also higher in summer than in winter.

At the top of the troposphere is the tropopause, a thin layer marking the boundary between the troposphere and the layer above Stratosphere.
It is characterized by an abrupt change in temperature lapse rate.

The Stratosphere is above the tropopause, the stratosphere is typified by relatively small changes in temperature with height except for a warming trend near the top.