What is the required preflight action?

Each pilot in command shall, before beginning a flight, become familiar with all available information concerning that flight. 

This information must include


Known ATC delays

Runway lengths for departure, destination, and alternate airports.

Alternate airports

Fuel requirements

Takeoff and landing distances.

What should you base a go or no-go decision on?

First of all you should start with yourself, are you feeling fit to fly?

You can use the acronym IMSAFE

I = Illness, do you have any illness, feeling sick, is a no-go.

M = Medication, are you under any medication? You need to make sure with an FAA medical examiner that the medication doesn’t affect your ability to fly.

S = Stress, if you are under heavy stress, personal, emotional, or financial.

Your ability to act as a safe pilot are impaired, and you should not fly until you are feeling more relaxed.

A = Alcohol, have you been drinking within eight hours? 24 hours? Alcohol and flying is a no-go.

F = Fatigue, are you feeling tired? Then you should not fly.

E = Eating, are you feeling hungry? Then you need to make time to eat before the flight.

Then there are other factors that play a big role in a decision to go, or to cancel the flight.


Aircraft condition